FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Working with Intervista: DOOH performance values

Inventory Finder Manual

What is the Inventory Finder and what is its purpose?

The Inventory Finder is a Livesystems planning tool for DOOH campaigns. Its purpose is to provide those carrying out the campaign with an overall picture of the DOOH inventory and to give them a significant level of independence and flexibility. The Inventory Finder can be used to independently compose a DOOH advertising campaign including performance values and target group insights in just a few clicks.

Who is Intervista?

Intervista was founded in 2010 and is a full-service institute for high-quality, individual market research solutions focussing on quantitative and qualitative online research. Intervista offers complete solutions from a single source and creates reliable bases for decision-making through many years of experience, sound methodological knowledge and the use of modern technologies.

What is measured?

The complete Livesystems digital out-of-home inventory is measured continuously.

How frequently is data collected?

Performance data is collected continuously and updated every four weeks.

What is the survey period for data collection?

The data has been collected continuously since September 2022.

What methods are used for data collection?

The advanced measurement method that is used is based on smartphone geolocation tracking. This involves monitoring the geographical location of panellists’ smartphones within the Intervista footprint panel. Livesystems screen impressions are measured using beacons and measured mobility data.


How is the data processed?

First, the measured mobility data and contacts with beacons are used to determine periods of time spent in direct proximity to the screens. In a second step, visibility weighting is performed, taking into account aspects such as the size and orientation of the screen, the speed and angle of passage, the time spent near the screen, the operating time, and the frequency of screens.

How large is the panel?

The panel consists of around 4,000 participants.

How is panellist privacy protected?

Data protection is of the utmost importance for us. Each panellist has granted their explicit permission to use their mobility data.
All data is processed anonymously meaning it is not possible to trace data back to individuals from the panel. Livesystems complies with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) data protection laws.

How many effective measured impressions were generated from the inventory (screens) during the survey period?

Over 52 weeks with the 4,000 panellists, approximately 800,000 visibility-weighted Livescreens screen impressions were measured – in public transport, at petrol stations, at Post Office branches, at migrolino convenience stores, on City Screens and at F12D locations.

What does reach structure mean and what is the purpose of this metric?

Reach structure describes the development of net impressions over the selected time frame. This metric is used for checking whether the applied budget and products reach the total net impressions that were requested and illustrates the concrete structure of net reach. The calculation takes into account the respective weekdays and calendar weeks.

What is taken into account in the visibility weighting?

The visibility weighting describes how likely it is that an impression will lead to the person actually engaging with the displayed advert. Intervista has developed visibility weightings in line with SPR Plus industry standards.
Various factors are taken into account for visibility weighting:

  • Locations, size and orientation of the screens
  • Buildings that limit visibility
  • Speed and angle of passage
  • Screen operating time
  • Temporal visibility
  • Frequency of screens
  • Digital attraction (steady display, animated display and full motion)

How is the average daily price that is shown in the Inventory Finder calculated?

The daily price is calculated as follows for all inventory types: Gross contacts per day * CPM of the respective product / 1,000. The contact factors (calendar week, weekday, hour - full day, public holidays, spot length - 10s, advertising pressure - strong) are included in the calculation.

Marked ‘introductory offer’.
No definitive performance values are yet available for all areas marked ‘Introductory offer’ in the Network category.

To ensure that these spaces can still be booked, the following values for gross contacts per day are stored and used for pricing:

  • Retail (Swiss Post branches) = 100
  • Instore (migrolino Convenience shops) = 100
  • Gas Station = 100
  • Cityscreens (not on roads) = 300
  • F12D (not on roads) = 300
  • Public Transport = 500
  • F12D on roads = individual values of the pre-measurement by intervista
  • Cityscreens on roads = individual values of the pre-measurement by intervista

What do the terms "regular", "strong" and "strong +" mean in relation to campaign planning?

These terms refer to the frequency (in minutes) at which the advertising material is displayed on the DOOH screens. The values vary according to the environment.

Example: Public transport: for a “regular” advert, the advertising material will be displayed on the screen every 12 minutes.

Public Transport12 min.8 min.6 min.
Gas Station5 min.3 min.2 min.
City2 min.1 min.-
Retail4 min.3 min.2 min.
Instore2 min.1 min.-

Which gross CPMs are applied?

Public TransportCHF 12
Gas StationCHF 17
RetailCHF 17
InstoreCHF 17
City ScreenCHF 30
F12DCHF 30

How can I share my selection in the Inventory Finder?

Firstly, you need to add your DOOH plan to your shopping cart. In your shopping cart, select the “Share selection” button. You will then receive a link which you can copy and send to your colleagues. This allows you to see your selection immediately. Every user with this link can then consult the DOOH plan.

How can I send an offer request in the Inventory Finder?

Firstly, you need to add your DOOH plan to your shopping cart. In the shopping cart menu, click on the “Receive offer” button. After filling out the form, your request will be sent directly to our team. Soon after, your DOOH plan offer including prices will then be sent to you per e-mail.

In the future, will I have the option of direct online bookings?

In the future, there will be a log-in area on the Inventory Finder. It is possible, from a technical perspective, for Livesystems to activate individual user accounts so that users are able to directly book their DOOH plan. At the same time, it will still be possible to place programmatic inventory bookings. Are you interested in exploring a programmatic solution? Contact our team today to set up a tailored deal by e-mailing .

How can I filter by economic areas according to the Swiss media usage collection agency (WEMF)?

In the filter section, under the “Regions” collapsible menu, you can select any combination of WEMF economic areas. You can also further refine your search within the individual economic areas.

What are environments?

“Environments” refers to the various environments in which Livesystems provides DOOH screens. Those carrying out a campaign have the option of broadcasting an advertising campaign within all environments or selecting specific environments. Has a study found that your target group can primarily be reached when on public transport? Then “Public transport” is the best environment for you.

How can I filter according to different environments?

In the filter section, under the “Environments” collapsible menu, you can select any combination of environments.

What are networks?

Networks function across products and represent a specific pre-selection. The Top 100 Network, for example, is a selection of the top 100 performing DOOH placements in Switzerland. This pre-selection should make planning your campaign easier.

How can I filter according to different networks?

In the filter section, under the “Networks” collapsible menu, you can select any combination of networks. You can then add your selection to your shopping cart, and, from there, it will be shared with your stakeholders.

How can I filter according to different restrictions?

In the filter section, under the “Restrictions” collapsible menu, you can select any combination of restrictions . Please note that, in this case, the logic behind filtering is reversed. If no options have been selected, the whole inventory will be displayed, irrespective of whether or not there are restrictions. If you select a restriction, then any inventory that is subject to these restrictions will be removed.

How can I hide unselected inventory?

On the map, you will find an eye icon. If you click on this icon, the inventory will be either displayed or hidden. Unselected inventory will be shown as grey pins on the map of Switzerland.

How do I add inventory to my shopping cart?

On the map, you will find an eye icon. If you click on this icon, the inventory will be either displayed or hidden. Unselected inventory will be shown as grey pins on the map of Switzerland.
Alternatively, each inventory can be added to the shopping cart via the detailed view.


How do I remove inventory from my shopping cart?

You can remove inventory from your shopping cart by clicking on the red shopping cart icon in the middle of the page. You can find this above the displayed results. Clicking on the red icon removes selected inventory from your shopping cart.
Alternatively, any inventory can be removed from your shopping cart using the detailed view. You also have the possibility of removing inventory from your shopping cart by using the shopping cart view.


How can I sort results?

Above the results view, you have the option to sort results. You can sort results according to WEMF regions/price and environment or product.


How can I find the performance values in the Inventory Finder?

In your shopping cart your will see a “Performance values ” tab. Selecting this tab takes you to the “Performance values” view. In this category, you will find all performance-relevant data (gross and net reach, GRP, OTS, reach in %) for your DOOH media plan. In addition, you will also find various information relating to the target group.

Can I set the map to full-screen mode?

Yes, there is a zoom icon inside the map (square) that you can use for this. Clicking on this icon will set the map to full screen. 

To go back to the regular view, you can select the minimise icon on your full-screen view.

Can I export selected inventory to Excel?

Yes, in the shopping cart section, you have the option of downloading the DOOH plan as an Excel file.

Will images also be exported?

Yes, images will also be exported. These will be exported as Livesystems network URLs which you can then use.

Can I export performance values to Excel?

Performance values can also be exported to Excel by using the “Performance values” tab. Graph values have been developed so that these can be quickly displayed as a graph using the Excel chart function. You also have the option of directly downloading the graphs in a graph format.

Can I export the reach structure and net impressions distribution values as a graph?

This option is available in the Inventory Finder. You can download this information by clicking on the download icon next to the relevant graph.

Why are impressions for individual inventory positions displayed as categories?

In order to comply with the minimum statistical requirements, the gross value for individual inventory cannot be displayed. For this reason, gross values for individual inventory are displayed as impression categories in the Inventory Finder.

What do the menu options “Show results” and “Show shopping cart” do?

These two options are essentially there to provide you with a better overview of your selected DOOH inventory.
By choosing “Show shopping cart”, you will find the inventory that you have just selected. On the other hand, selecting “Show results” will allow you to see the filters that are currently being used.

Glossary of key DOOH media campaign planning terms

What are gross impressions?

“Gross impressions” refers to all impressions that the selected advert has the potential to achieve within the selected time frame. Multiple impressions are possible.

What are net impressions?

“Net impressions” refers to all impressions that the selected advert effectively achieves within the selected time frame. Each impression is counted once, multiple impressions are not taken into account.

Net reach (in %)

The proportion of net impressions (in %) in relation to the total population of Switzerland.
net reach (absolute)/total potential (absolute) × 100


Opportunity to see (OTS) is a measure of frequency. This metric shows, on average, how often a person comes into contact with the advertising campaign.
sum of all impressions (gross impressions)/net reach (absolute)


Gross rating point (GRP) represents the gross reach of the selected inventory within a specific target group (in this case all net impressions) as a percentage.
OTS × net reach in %

Gross CPM

Gross CPM shows the gross cost needed to generate 1,000 impressions within a campaign.
gross CPM = gross cost/gross impressions x 1,000

CPM netto

Net CPM shows the net cost needed to generate 1,000 impressions within a campaign. In comparison to gross CPM , this value takes into account discounts.
net CPM = net cost/gross impressions x 1,000


Cost per point (CPP) expresses how much a GRP costs in relation to the net price.
Net cost/GRP

WEMF areas

“WEMF areas” refers to the grouping of communities into self-contained economic areas where people live, work and spend their free time done by the Swiss media usage collection agency (WEMF). For communication planning purposes, the WEMF areas aid in planning the approach to target groups within the relevant regions.

All information is without guarantee and subject to change without notice.